I am very fortunate to have been included in the soon to be released 2009 edition of Handmade In Melbourne. I completely forgot about it until I was visiting Lino Forest and noticed a post by Liz. It's nice to know I'll be in completely AWESOME company and I can't wait to find out who else got a guernsey. I noticed that the talented Emma Greenwood over at Aprons & Hammers (Emerge Wares) is featured in the book, go check out her blog for some seriously amazing custom foot ware (making shoes? how tricky would that be?! Clever, clever, clever) From what I can tell the book looks top notch and no doubt it will be choc-a-bloc full of talented Melbourne peeps. I'll be off to the official launch next Wednesday, I've got a few days to get my head around how to get there with one car and juggle the kids at the same time while Karl is at work. It will be more than likely that Mr Karl (being the good dad that he is) will take the girls for a little stroll around the city while I mingle with some of Melbourne's coolest artists, crafters and designers. What a treat!
Oh and if you check out the Handmade in Melbourne site you'll get a glimpse of one of my birdies slap bang in the middle here.
Yes!I have your page open right now!
(Found it at Brunswick bound)....see you at the launch.
Yes I will Liz! I may have to sport one of my Betty Jo brooches for the evening :o)
x m
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