08 March 2010


Cactus theft!
Willful damage
Wilhelmina's wardrobe disaster. Wilhemina was lying where the pink legged doll is.
Wilhelmina in 'sweet as pie' mode
devil in disguise
Our week has been challenging. On Wednesday we discovered that our much loved cactus plant had been sawed off by horrible, callous theives. We can't believe this happened right on our doorstep on a main road, we dread them coming back to take the other plant. Several years ago we had both pots and plants stolen during the night. We decided to replace them with hardy cactus thinking no one would be brazen enough to pinch them. But alas, the dirty rotten scoudrels pounched again. No doubt the dodgy scum bags will try to sell them off at the markets, my motto is 'what goes around, comes around'. On top of this nasty discovery our 3 year old Wilhelmina decided to add a personal touch to her family portrait canvas situated next to her bed. This occured when my poor sister was babysitting the girls and was mortified to make the discovery. Wilhelmina was supposedly napping when my sister checked in on her to find her standing on the bed covered in black paint from head to toe with a big smile declaring "ta da!" with black hands waving like it was a magic trick! New rule, no more drink bottles left in her bedroom. Water + acrylic paint = BIG BLOODY MESS AND RUINED PAINTING!!!
Days later after we recovered from the painting sabotage, which is less than likely going to be fixed (have placed in the too hard basket) I experienced one of my worst nightmares... I heard a sickening thud in Wilhelmina's room (luckily baby Ada was asleep in another room but they're usually in there together playing) I ran in to find the wardrobe tipped over with Wilhelmina lying flat and still in a tiny void underneath, it was just like the scene from The Wizard of Oz with two feet dangling out the end. To cut a long story short, I dragged her out unscathed but in shock. I cried in relief then she jumped up and hugged and patted me on my back saying "it's o.k mum, do you want a water?" I was more traumatized than her by the experience, I think Wilhelmina was relieved that she wasn't in trouble! The scary thing is that everything came flying off the top of the wardrobe (cd player, a heavy wooden mirror, a multitude of toys and a tonne of fluffy dust) the room was a shemozzle. It's a miracle that everything landed around her or on the bed and not a thing broke. I thank my lucky stars that I still have the bed guard on that stops Wilhelmina from rolling off of the mattress, I seriously wonder that if it wasn't there, well, I hate to think... The most important thing is that we're all in one piece. I couldn't resist sharing the pic of her wearing the wig which my sister in law dressed her in. Butter wouldn't melt.


Betty Jo said...

Hi Maddi,
have you calmed down yet?
Just to let you know , the falling heavy furniture just avoiding small child incident has happened to me as a little girl, my daughter, and my son just last week. Takes a few years off your life thats for sure!
As for the painting....I won't comment :-(
I think your cactuses seem resiliant and wont let some dodgy cactus rustler stop them sprouting again.
I know where i would like to see those bit of nicked cactus put mind you!
Oh, and is it true that Finders Keepers is coming to melbourne?
Will we see your gorgeous poster around our neck of the woods? Hope so!

bestest wishes Liz

Kate said...

Oh crikey Mads - that is a horrible week! I am v pleased that the girls are ok [and have presence of mind enough to take care of mum!] A couple of brackets for the shelves might be a good idea too.

The cactus will sprout again - and the thieves will probably receive some kind of cosmic justice.

Unknown said...

Thanks kind ladies for your sympathetic words.
Yes, Mr Karl is going to bolt the wardrobe into the wall so we don't have any more near death experiences. We have two very adventurous and fearless young girls who keep us on our toes. As for the cactus plants, hopefully they will sprout new pups and eventually grow thicker than thieves!

Ms Liz a certain little lino birdy brooch told me that it's your birthday soon... nice.

See you Weds Kate amongst all the RSB madness!

Mon Alisa Design said...

What a terrible week! I can't imagine how traumatic the wardrobe incident must have been. Thank the lord that she is alright. As for the cactus thieves....well, they are just big poo poo heads.

Alisa x

Unknown said...

Thanks Alisa! They say bad things happen in 3's, a few hours ago my 14 month old fell off a little wooden chair right in front of my eyes like a flash! She now has a gargantuan lump in the middle of her forehead. The black lump is so big she looks like a unicorn. My poor babies!!! I hope you and yours have a better week :o)

Steph Bond-Hutkin said...

Oh what a nightmare! We have our fair share of toddler-induced chaos around here, but thank goodness no fallen furniture. I have to say - on first inspection I thought that was a pool of blood under the wardrobe! Thank GOD it isn't! Sending big hugs to dear W and A for their bumps.

Nicole Underwood Gonzalez said...

OMG!!! thank god she was ok!! strap that furniture to the wall for sure!!!
Cactus and paintings can be replaced.....OMG! you poor thing!
Here's to next week being OFF THE CHARTS Awesome, you have paid your dues this week for sure!!

Unknown said...

Hi Steph & Nikolina, thanks for the good vibes. We survived the week with falling wardrobes and massive lumps now a distant memory. Steph, I know what you mean by the 'pool of blood'! The image doesn't look good, does it? It's actually a tan and white cow rug, freaky! I'll share a new post in the next day or so when I get a nano-second. It will be a cheerier theme :o)