O.k so it doesn't get much better than this...
The little show that Irene and I have been organising for November at Lab X has just stepped up about a million notches of excitement now that lovely lady Beci Orpin has joined in on the fun. Beci happens to be one of my favorite artists bar none! She is a Melbourne lass, prolific artist extraordinaire, sassy business lady, style queen, regular blogger, loving wife and mother of 2! And If I really wanted to embarrass myself I could go on with a truck load more of dorky adoration, hero worship and gibber jabber, but I must curb my enthusiasm before I start sounding like a tool. I don't like wishing days away but I really can't wait to get all our work under the one roof. I bow to you both Irene and Beci as I stand in the presence of absolute greatness.
coming soon
Keep posted for links to our pop up blog which will be devoted to the show and kept up to date with loads of nitty gritty detail.
those prints are really cool, love the colours
This show is sounding too good to be true! Three of my favorite creative super stars exhibiting together.
The crafty coup of the year!
hey thanks liz! I'm getting rather nervous...
I am star struck by the two! Maybe next year you and I could pull something little together???
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