Apologies for the lack of posts last week. Most of my spare time was taken up wrapping prints and sending off parcels and trying desperately to keep up with my domestic choirs, arghhh the amount of washing loads I had to contend with... Luckily we had a few spurts of sunshine which enabled me to get the clothes out on the old hills hoist instead of taking up every inch of spare space inside. i HATE drying clothes inside, it looks like an awful laundrette!!! Enuff of my whining.
We had a couple of very cold and wet days last week so Wilhelmina and I got busy with the recycled stuff and made some ace robot dudes. Wilhelmina was mighty proud of her efforts and I enjoyed giving her a hand with the tricky-sticky bits. Most of the 'bots' crumbled under pressure but we have been graced by 'big dadda bot' for more than a week now, he's been standing on the window sill looking mighty tough. With all the nasty weather I was dreading that we'd contract cabin fever being couped up inside for so long but the time passes quickly and lo and behold nap time comes round. Big Mumma loves rest time...
Also last week I received a little pressie from myself in the post. My lovely mum-in-law generously gave me some money to "buy something nice" for my birthday. I fell in love with the Isak 'Blossom & Bill' tray which I noticed somewhere along the way, I couldn't recall which website so I did a bit of super sleuth action and came across Three Little Trees based in Brisbane, luckily for me it was marked down. I rarely buys things online but I can see how addictive it could be. I have since banned myself from buying more gear as I know I could get very carried away. There are too many lovely things available, it's o.k to look right???! By the way, Wilhelmina thought 'Blossoms' boobs were buttons. I think 'Bill' looks a little like Karl...
Speaking of Karl, he had a great time with the Outre crew last Saturday. It was possibly their last Kingsway book signing. Some of the old writers turned up to sign books and chatted with the public, apparently it was a good turn out all round. I stayed at home with the little chickadees so they could nap away the afternoon Zzzzzz. The Kingsway boys have a few more public events to attend such as the Melbourne Writers Festival next Sunday at the NGV (see below for details) and maybe one more signing/get together event before the years out...
NGV Talks Sunday 30 August
The Melbourne Writers Festival: Old Skool Graffiti
2:30pmCost Ticketed
Venue Theatre,Ground Level
The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia at Federation SquareSpeakers Duro Cubrilo, Martin Harvey and Karl Stamer
Event Code 3096
2:30pmCost Ticketed
Venue Theatre,Ground Level
The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia at Federation SquareSpeakers Duro Cubrilo, Martin Harvey and Karl Stamer
Event Code 3096
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