Today our precious Wilhelmina turned 3! Our little baby has grown so FAST, actually she prefers to be called 'the big girl' ever since baby sister Ada was born. Yesterday we had the family over for a casual afternoon tea party, it was a gorgeous sunny day and we celebrated like kings and queens! The kids bolted around the backyard dancing to music and hammed it up to the adults and vice versa, there were bubbles being blown everywhere, loads of laughter, chalk drawing on the concrete, frogs in ponds and beetles in lava being devoured, balloons popping and the kids toys dragged outside for entertainment. All she wanted was a pink cake with flowers...
I couldn't resist going a bit OTT with the decorations. I just had to make a batch of colourful, fiesta style, fluffy 'paper pom-poms' and to Wilhelmina's delight she gazed up at them bedazzled exclaiming that she thought everything had been turned into "magic land". They are dead easy to make, I'm now going to re-use them in Ada's bedroom so she can look up to the ceiling and Ooohhh and Aaahhh at them. Eazy peazy Martha Stewart tutorial here.
Giant thank you to our dear friends Fi & Pablo who dropped by with their two gorgeous kids. They gave us a very special treat, 2 vivid red molded acrylic vintage letters for the girls. The letters apparently came from an old jewelry shop in the city which no longer exists, but fortunately we now have a little bit of its history living with us! Coincidently Fi & Pablo are incredible artists and own an awesome shop called Lair in Lygon Street, Brunswick. Unfortunately they don't have a website at the moment but please don't let that deter you if you are Brunswick bound. Fi & Pablo source the best vintage finds, industrial objects, furniture and eclectic treasures you're ever likely to come across. Neat stuff.
Big love and birthday wishes to our Wilhelmina-Pearl girl x o x
1 comment:
Happy birthday Wilhelmina!
Looks like everyone had a great time. : )
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