Wilhelmina 2 Years 9 Months, Ada 6 Months
It's bitterly cold here in Melbourne and we're receiving loads of rain which is a good thing considering it is mid winter and we deperately need the downpour. The chilly weather also prompted me to dust off some old winter beanies belonging to Wilhelmina and Ada, both girls look like a comedy duo and behave like it too! We bought the beanies a couple of years ago from a lovely little stall at the South Melbourne Market (our fav place!) The lady who knits them is a bit of a gem, she sells them for $20, they are all wool and she still stocks them. I'm telling you, if I had a penny for the amount of times people in the street who have stopped to comment on them... Anyway, if you are in Melbourne go check out her stall, lots of other cute hats to tempt you, you'll find her almost centrally located within the Market, near the internal lift.
Bit of trivia for you, Karl's dad used to be a South Melbourne Counsellor for about 27 years, he was an honourable and kind gentleman and much adored by the locals. If you look closely he is mentioned on one of the exterior Market plaques, in fact he chose the style of brick that was used to build the Market many, many moons ago. He also has a little playground in honor of him 'Ludwig Stamer Reserve' in South melbourne. Dearest Ludi passed away in 2003, very sad and he is much missed... He would have adored his little granddaughters, mousey hats and all.
1 comment:
cute kids + cute hats = ULTRA CUTENESS
I know that little park, it now has new meaning for us
thanks ;)
x LR
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